Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God, I hope you have a good day too!

So, I know it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I last updated BUT here is to a new start and being better about it!

Well, we have news. Costanzo number 3 is on the way and we are very excited. I am about 9 weeks along and have already seen and heard the heartbeat ( which can I just say never gets old!). So far I am hanging in there. Pretty nauseous and extremely fatigued but hanging in there. I go back to the doctor on March 9th for my next check up.

Ok, so Adin. He is an extremely funny kid. He is a very verbal child and always has been but sometimes the stuff that he says just cracks me up. There are two things recently that I thought was funny and wanted to share.

The first, the other day Eric was walking through the living room and trying to talk to him about something when Adin all of a sudden looks at him and says ( and I quote) " dad, let me explain something to you." He then proceeded to talk to him about his thoughts on the subject they were discussing. I was in the bedroom when I heard this and honestly just starting cracking up!

The second: Every morning when I am driving Adin to school we say a prayer for that day. Normally I say the prayer becuase Adin only wants to pray at night but today he stopped me in the middle of the prayer to say that he wanted to finish it. He then prayed that Daddy and Mommy and Noah would all have good days. And just before saying amen he said ( and once again I quote) God, I hope you have a good day too!
I loved it! He is really just a cool kid!

Ok, so I will continue to update you on my "condition" and how I am feeling.

Have a good day!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Noah T.

Ok so Noah is definitely coming into his own and has done some super cute things this week...here are some of them:

*One night we were trying to put the kids to bed (Our boys and our nephews) so we put Noah in our bed so that he would not bother Tyler who was already asleep in Noah's room. Well Noah was rather restless and all of a sudden Eric and I ( who were in the living room) heard our television come on in our bedroom. We went to see what was going on and Noah was sitting up on the end of our bed, remote in hand watching the science channel! He looked at us and gave us the cutest smile. We just had to laugh.

*He picked up Eric's phone, pretended to dial, and then said "Hi Andrew". Andrew Hudson should be honored because that is who he was trying to call and talk to.

*His big thing lately is saying bless you to people who sneeze. Tonight, he sneezed and without missing a beat he said "Bless You" to himself. It was rather cute if I do say so myself.

He is definitely in the entertaining stage.! We are loving it!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok, I know that it has been way to long since I last blogged. I do apologize for that and will try my best to do better. We are doing really well here in Tulsa. God has been very gracious to us. We are all moved in to our new house and ready for company (hint hint!) I have been VERY busy painting and getting out of boxes. We are almost completely out of boxes but the most important thing is that our house really feels like our home now. It doesn't take long of not having a house to really appreciate it when you do! The boys are really enjoying the house and their new rooms and I am enjoying not having to watch the stairs constantly to make sure they aren't going up them! Adin is continuing to do wonderful in school and Noah is continuing to grow and talk and show his stubborn side :). Eric is almost done with his crazy semester. He has traveled to Texas everyweek this semester to go to class on top of learning his new job. He is looking forward to must needed rest of the next few weeks! I am now a working woman. I am working at the preschool at our church and I really like it. It is 2 days a week and Noah seems to enjoy going ( at least he doesn't cry anymore when I take him!)
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are very thankful for all of the blessings that God has given us including our wonderful friends!
**One of Eric's resting chores is teaching me how to post pictures to this thing. As soon as that happens I will post some pics of the new casa!
Love you all!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

House Plans...

HELP: I keep trying to comment on everyone blogs but it is not letting me. What am I doing wrong?

Ok so here is what we know so far. We are coming down to Texas on Sunday afternoon (hopefully in time for church Sunday night). From there, we are staying through Wednesday and finishing up things on our house. Please be praying that we will be able to close up here on Thursday the 30th. That would be awesome for us!
Will keep you updated as we know more!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our weekend of adventure...

This weekend our family went to Florida for my Grandpa's 90th birthday! Wow, what a trip. Noah got to ride on his first plane, which he loved and thankfully we really great on, and we got to spend some really great family time together. We rode on 4 different planes between here and there and both boys were just fascinated by them. Adin has flown several times before but loves to sit by the window and watch the take offs and landings, which we learned quickly was one of Noah's favorite parts too! While in Florida we did the typical family reunion things with a couple of trips to the beach included! Adin loved to run into the ocean and just crash into the water and Noah LOVES to eat sand! I know I know, it is gross, but he was literally covered from head to toe in sand and sticking it in his mouth by the handfull! We all had a really great time and got some really great pictures! I will try to post them soon. All in all we had a great time.
***Special note to Mandy...there is an amazing jewerly store there that my mom took us too and I thought of you the whole time I was in there! You would love it...extremely cute jewelry, with amazing prices so if you ever plan a trip to Bonita Springs, Fla let me know. I will give you directions : )***
Now, on to other things...for those of you who don't know, we have a contract on our house in Texas and have put a contract on a house here in Tulsa. We are very excited about all of it! We are closing on our house in Texas either the late afternoon of the 30th or early morning of the 31st and then hopefully can close on our house in Tulsa on the 31st as well. At this point, it looks like we will be in our own home for the holidays and I really excited about that! I will keep you posted on things from this end but please be praying for smooth transitions all around! I will write more later, AND will be able to write more and post more pictures once we get into our own home!
Will write more later!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I HATE rollar coasters...

UPDATE:Literally as soon as I finished this post and hit publish my phone started ringing and it was our realtor letting us know that we got the house that we put in offer in on! God is good...I will continue to persevere! Praise God!

I really do not like them. I have decided though that it is not the ride that I hate as much as the anticipation leading up to ride that I can't stand. So, what roller coasters have you been riding lately you ask...well the figurative kind. Moving is the biggest roller coaster of emotion that I think I have ever been on. In a few short months I have experienced extreme happiness, sadness, joy, excitement, hope, fear, nervousness, peace, unrest, insecurity,accomplishment...just to name a few. And can I just throw in that for a comfort eater, this has not been an easy transition, although for the first time in a major stress situation I am actually losing weight and not gaining! I think this is probably why I am experiencing all of these emotions that I am for the most part not used to. Normally when I start to feel this way I eat away the feelings that I don't want to deal with. Not this time, but that means I am experiencing things in a whole new way. It has not been an easy road, but I have learned that through all of my inconsistency and range of emotions that I have experienced there is one thing in my life that has not changed and that is GOD. He has remained the same no matter how I am feeling. The other great thing about GOD is that He can handle my emotions. In His word he has even given me ways to with my emotions. I am thankful to serve a GOD who is big enough to deal with every situation and every emotion that I experience.
I think the verse in James is having a whole new meaning for me where it says "consider it pure joy when you encounter trials of many kinds." I think the word that I thought I was struggling with there was the word trials, but it isn't. The word that I wish I could change is MANY! I don't want to encounter many trials, BUT I am thankful for the last part of that verse where it gives encouragement for enduring those trials. Therefore, I will press on and endure as long as it takes. I will ride the roller coaster of life and trust that God is at the controls. ( However i will still never ride the Titan as long as I live!)

"consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. " James 1:2-3


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hello. My name is ...

There are many things about my kids that amaze me on a daily basis. Noah's stubbornness ( I have no idea where he gets it from) but also how he laughs at everything ( I do know where he gets that from!) Well, Adin is a kid that honestly just fascinates me! From the time he could talk he has always been able to remember names of just about everybody. He could go around at church and call everybody by name. There were so many people who always told me that Adin made them feel so good because he knew there name! We consider it a great quality and I pray continually that is something that he is able to keep up. Now, we have entered a new phase though. My child's new "thing" is walking to up to anybody and holding out his hand saying " Hi my name is Adin. What is yours?" Not only that but if we are standing by him he will then introduce whoever is there with him. Case in point...Last night my mom, Adin, Noah and I were on a walk and as we were rounding the corner headed back to my parent's house he noticed the neighbors and there kids outside playing. He ran on ahead and I watched in amazement as he went up to 3 adult strangers and properly introduced himself, then proceeded to introduce himself to the kids that were playing. Before long he was playing with the kids as if he had known them for years. As I watched him do this I thought to myself that he has such an awesome love for people and getting to know new people. Then I also got to thinking...what if we as adults weren't worried about what other people thought about us and we were willing to walk up to complete strangers, introduce ourselves and constantly make new friends. How different would this world be if we weren't afraid that the stranger would think that we are weird or that for what ever reason they wouldn't like us. Adin doesn't know that fear...yet. I honestly pray that he doesn't learn it. At least not to the degree that most adults do.
This has been a hard lesson for me to learn/remember in moving to a new place. I am having to learn again how to be willing to risk being hurt to meet new friends. I am learning to be the one to stick my hand out and introduce myself and just hope that the other likes me. It is not easy. It is much easier to sit in a chair and hope everyone comes to introduce themselves to you. But that doesn't always happen. Sometimes we have to be willing to be the first person to extend the handshake...once again, it is not easy...it is often uncomfortable but the alternative to not meeting people is being alone...and that is a even less appealing. So here is to Adin for reminding me to be the first one to take that step.